“At Four Pillars we train everyday people like everyday athletes.

We use the Four Pillars model of exercise, nutrition, mind-fullness & community to elicit the best results with all our clients.

We seek success using the company ethos

Community, education, work ethic, fun, empathy and accountability.

Four Pillars is a safe space for people to be themselves without judgement, a place where success can be abundant”

Community ~ education ~ work ethic ~ fun ~ empathy ~ accountability

— The Four Pillars Ethos

At four pillars we encompass the 4 elements of health; exercise, nutrition, mind-fullness and happiness. If you would like to improve these four key elements and prioritise your health, then we can promise you excellent results.

Are you fed up of feeling unfit, unhealthy and out of shape?

Are you fed up of feeling like you’re just not good enough?

Do you lack confidence in your body and self awareness?

Maybe you want to make substantial changes to your life because you just don’t feel like you’re living up to your full potential?

 Are you a busy professional? With a family and responsibilities and you just don’t have the motivation to look after yourself? Maybe you need to have some help with accountability every day to ensure your health is optimal for your family and kids?

Maybe you’re a busy mum and you want to feel great in your body and self confidence, but maybe you lack the confidence and the motivation to hold yourself accountable every day! 

Or maybe you just don’t have the confidence to train alone? 

Do you want to build muscle & train like an athlete !! look good in the mirror and be able to walk with your chest held high?

Whatever the reason for visiting my website we have you covered.

This is where I come in, with over 10,000 hours of on the gym floor experience with 1-1 coaching, countless hours spent helping people online to achieve epic transformations, having helped hundreds of clients from all over the world better themselves in every area of their life, I’m telling you that I can help you as well. 

Let’s fix this !

“ Without a goal there is no purpose, without purpose there is no result ”


“I’ve never felt better or more confident in myself thanks to Ben and his coaching“


“I feel absolutely amazing, full of energy and the strongest i’ve ever been, and 12kg up in mass“


“Ben was more than just a health and fitness coach to me, he was a life coach and mentor”“



1-1 & Online coaching

Training programs built to compliment your main goal, lifestyle and gym equipment preferences, including links and videos for all the exercises

Nutrition coaching and education based of your goals and consultation evaluation

Assessments for movement and mindset to make sure we are heading in the right direction with your progress and staying pain free

Access to my private online hub and community facebook group. With access to the exercise, nutrition & lifestyle hubs

Weekly check-ins via video calls/Phone calls/voice clips & texts

Access to measurement assessments using tape and callipers for those doing 1-1 & local online coaching

Access to an ongoing community of like minded people looking to produce life changing results

And more ..


For any queries/questions please fill in the contact form

Thank you!