Take control of your strength and performance with 1-1 personal training

What’s so great about personal training?

When it comes to 1-1 personal training no stone is left unturned.

  • We can ensure that every aspect of your health is assessed and addressed face to face each week during the sessions

  • I can fully address the specifics around human moment, exercise execution and overall performance, tracking each session as we go along to ensure we make weekly progress

  • I will be able to address any corrective measures using specific assessments, and corrective exercise techniques

  • Comprehensive diet evaluation and nutrition protocols will be discussed weekly to keep you on track ensuring the diet fits your goal and remains fun and sustainable

  • Measurements and skin fold testing is available for body composition tracking week to week

    And much more…

The best part is the fact we can build a strong, trusting coach - client relationship and have fun during the journey!!

Check out some of the awesome testimonials on the client results page

If you would like more information about private 1-1 personal training then please complete this form and i will be in touch.