Hey, I’m Ben.

Owner of Four Pillars Studio, Glasgow. A holistic strength and wellness studio www.fourpillars.life that offers

  • 1-1 personal training

  • Online Performance Coaching

  • Pain and remedial strength training

I also facilitate online coaching, providing an incredible coaching service for clients anywhere in the world.

I’m a great believer in taking a holistic approach towards understanding the clients needs then building strong relationships with them, focusing on trust and commitment to ensure they get the best results possible in the long term.

No fad diets, no false promises and no cookie cutter programs. I make it my primary drive to collect as much information as I can before making any coaching call to action. This is done through building a strong relationship and commitment base with you, the client.

Every client I’ve ever worked with will tell you the same thing, I go above and beyond to make sure the journey is comfortable and the results are sustainable. I go beyond their expectations when it comes to how I approach my business. I follow up everything I do and track everything accordingly. My coaching is in-depth, fun and in turn creates great results.

After many quality client results (some To be seen here at client results) both 1-1 and online I’m proud to call myself a coach. A real coach. A coach for incredible people who want life the best results for themselves.

I’m someone who will educate and guide you through the full journey. I will never make false promises to make a quick buck. I’ll always be there to support your goal and make the right decisions at the right time.

The industry is full of false hope, quick fixes and fads that promote one thing … disappointment.

I look to build a culture based of values, commitment, community, trust and results.

Are you Interested in working with me? then pop over to the personal training page or online coaching page to contact me!!


Ben Wright.